I recently had to move a server and needed to set up another server. I’m a linux newbie so I needed to look up a lot of things. Below are some of the more common commands that I needed: (replace with your own command/name).
Create a short name or alias to run a command.
alias =''
Create a symbolic link to another directory/file
ln -s
Transfer files from your computer to a server
scp :
Transfer files from a server to another server.
scp : :
Change file owner w/ recursion
chown -R :
Change file permissions for web w/ recursion
chmod -R 644
Find a file
find / -name
Add a user
sudo useradd -d /home/ -m
sudo passwd
Change a users’ primary group
usermod -g
Add a group
Add a user to a group
usermod -G
Make everything in a dir owned by the dir group owner
sudo chmod g+s
Find largest 10 files in wp-content folder
find wp-content -type f -exec du -h {} + | sort -rh | head -n 10